hah ape laGi mariLah kita wat ini taG n tengOk sape yang kEna....
1.The last person to tag you was ?
~ cik akak bLakrOse..hai akak...~
2. Your relationship with him/her ?
~ akak saya masa di UitM..~
3. Your 5 impressions towards him/her ?
~ garanG + sayanG saya + tEgas + berdikari + suka trakkinG ~
4. The most memorable thing that he/she has ever done for you ?
~ saYang n jaGa saya masa kat uitm..shE waS a wonderfULL kakak..~
5. The most memorable words that he/she has said to you ?
~ erk..apE ek..tipah ketUk bUdak nie kanG...~
6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will...
~saya akan jaga kakak saya..taPi dia jaUh~
7. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will…
~xmO..xmO...kak rOse garaNg..huhuhu..~
8. If he/she becomes your lover, he/she has to improve on...
~ xdaK kot..sume okeh jek..~
9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason is…
~iskH..isKh..kan dah kata xmo...degiL taU..xmo..xmO ar...~
10. The most desirable things to do for him/her are…
~ nak siLat sama cam dOLu2 ~
11. Overall impression towards him/her is…
~ walaupOn akak garanG tapi akak sangat chumeL..hehehe~
12. How do you think the people around you will feel about you ?
~XsUre pLak pasaL tUh..perasaan xLeh dipakse okeh...kaLau org sUka
Alhamdulillah...kaLu xsUka nak kata pe..i'm soooryyy..hehehe~
13. Who is your ideal ?
~ ececeh..of cOz ar hincik memandU..wat masa ni ar..kahkahkah..marah hincik memandu dengan
kenyataan berani mati ini...maaf yach hincik...~
14. What do you hate about yourself ?
~baik sangat kOt...bUt takde ar bawak maSaLah pOn...
( kak dee jangan nak pikir bUkan2 okeh...cobit kang....)
16. For the people who care for you and like you, say something about them.
~terima kasih cOz sayang n care for me..hanya Allah yg dapat
membalasnya..amin..~sayang kOwang gak...~
17. Bra or panties ?
~alamak sUsah nak piLih nie..dua2 pentinG..hehehe~
18. Chocolate or ice-cream ?
~cokeLat pLez...~
19. 2 people to tag?
~ 2 jek...aLahai..okeh2 yang lain nnt ek..kasi diorang nie dULo..~
* mrs jUkOgyU & datin dEe *
20. Who is number 2 having a relationship with ?
~akak yang iva saYang bangEt n aLways be kakak...(wah manyak kakak nie..shuKE...)~
21. Is she/he a male or a female ?
~aik dah nama pon kakak...pOmpUan aR...~
22. If number 1 and 2 got together, would that be a good thing ?
~ iskH jadi kawan ar....tUL tak..pe ag..siLalah berkenaLan..~
23. Is number 1 single ?
~isKh..dah kawen taU..hahahaha..dah xleh panggiL cik...kena panggiL pUan..~
24. Say something about number 2.
~ aLways bE my sis okEh..Love yOu ~
25. What do you think about number 1 and 2 being together ?
~ tOgether sebagai kawan Leh ar..lain maksUd xLeH..xLeh..~
26. Describe number 1.
~ sebaya + periang + dah kawen + sengaL cam saya + nick lebih kuranG~
27. What will you do if number 1 and 2 fight ?
~ sUbhanaLLah..xbaik gadUh...xmo..xmo gadUh2..okeh..~